Big Day Keeping You Awake?  3 Natural Options to Get Some Sleep!

June 21, 2018

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Are you finding yourself up in the middle of the night not being able to get back to sleep, mind racing about last minute details and questioning if you made the right choices from everything to colors to food?

Or, are you laying awake at bedtime watching the clock tick by not being able to get to sleep wondering how you can pay for that photo booth you really want or what you should register for?

You’re not the only one!

Your wedding day (and other big events you plan), can easily create sleep problems.  This isn’t good considering sleep is one of the most important things you can do to keep you healthy for your big day!

We want to share 3 natural options to try for better sleep before your special event.  It’s important you feel energized and refreshed even though the day will fly by.  Your emotions, expectations, and experiences will all require much energy – make sure you have plenty in your reserves!

1. Time-Released Melatonin

One of our team members loves time-released melatonin.  It can take a few weeks to feel the full effects of the melatonin, but taking time-released is known to help some fall asleep and then stay asleep.

2. Adrenal Response

We learned from Dr. Adam Graves, the naturopathic doctor from Colorado Natural Medicine that helped us with wedding diet advice, that when we wake up in the middle of the night (typically between 1:00am – 3:00am, and have difficulty falling back asleep, that many times it’s due to our adrenal glands kicking in to gear.

Our adrenal glands are responsible for the hormone cortisol.  And what happens when we are going full speed ahead planning our weddings and find our anxieties increasing?  Our adrenal glands get a little out of whack!  They can start producing cortisol in the middle of the night and we can find ourselves up and awake at 2:00am.

We have found that Adrenal Response is a natural supplement that can help support our adrenal glands when things get stressful.  It may take a few days to a month or so to experience the entire effects, depending on how stressed you have been and for how long.

3. GABA Supplements

If you find you can’t shut your mind off (because we would be shocked if you don’t ever find that planning a wedding!), you may be able to benefit from GABA supplements.  There are many at health food stores that can help.

GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm our brains.  Before bed, this can work wonders to relax your mind and help you fall asleep.

In addition to these natural options, we also like:

  • meditating.  We find as little as 6-7 minutes of relaxing meditation before bed calms us even after the most hectic days!
  • warm baths.  Seems simple, but add some epsom salt for calming magnesium to soak your body and relax your muscles.
  • protein.  Sometimes when we have too much sugar or drink a bit too much we find ourselves up in the middle of the night due to fluctuating blood sugar levels.  A bite of protein before bed helps our blood sugar stabilize as much as possible during the night.
  • walking after dinner.  A calming walk after dinner can do us wonders!  Getting outside, yes even in the Florida humidity, is important for us to connect with nature and clear our minds.  It’s one of our favorites!

If you are planning a Central Florida wedding or Orlando special event and find you can’t sleep over all the details and decisions, it’s the perfect time to contact us.

Connect with me at and let me know all of our concerns and questions.  We can start by addressing them each and creating an overall plan that is stress free for you so you can start sleeping…hopefully starting tonight!

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