Congrats – You’re Engaged! Now What? 3 Things You Must Do Next!

January 9, 2018

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Was your holiday season a little extra special this year? If so…congratulations! If you thought the holidays were the most magical time of the year, just wait – it’s about to get even better!

First, we love (did I say love? I meant LOVE!) engagement stories. Do you have a special one to share? Well, no matter what, of course it’s special! Share with us below your story – it will make our day!

Second, we’re here to get you started now that the big day is on it’s way – no matter if you know exactly when that is or want to take some time to enjoy your new status for a while before making any decisions, our 3 pieces of advice of what to do next can lessen any overwhelming feelings, take the pressure off, and get a foundation started that is just right for YOU!

Here are our 3 MUST DO’s now that you’re engaged:

1. Revel in Your Engagement

Getting engaged is one of the most important days of your lives and it’s easy to go from 0 – 60 within the first 24 hours or shortly thereafter! And to be expected – you’re getting married!

But…consider the time, thoughtfulness, and planning that went into your engagement. It may have been in the works for weeks, months, or even years! It’s important to recognize the effort that was put into this significant moment in your life and enjoy it.

Take time to revel in your new Facebook status. If an engagement party isn’t in the books for you, consider hosting an intimate cocktail reception to celebrate with friends, a weekend brunch to tell your family, or even a special evening with just the two of you to reminisce the moment you said, “Yes!”

As much as planning a wedding is exciting, don’t pass by the life changing day you recently just experienced. Write about it, put together a small scrapbook or picture book online (we love for clean and modern books that are timeless). You will thank us years later when you can relive that once-in-a-lifetime moment because you paused to record it.

2. Listen with Your Heart & Open Your Mind

Before consulting Pinterest with every picture that catches your attention (because believe us, it can be addicting!), consult with each other first.

What do we mean by that?

Chances are, you both have probably daydreamed about your wedding and may have discussed it in “dreams and wishes” conversations throughout the years. AND, many of those “dreams and wishes” may have been thought of without a budget in mind, vacation time off of work, and even the time of year you got engaged versus when you’d like to get married.
But now, it’s all real! So, it’s time to put your dreams out on the table and see what’s realistic and what you may need to be flexible on.

We recommend having an open and honest conversation with your significant other about the following BEFORE getting expectations too high that may result in upset and disappointment:

– What are your goals as a couple over the next year? the next 5 years? Is a home in your future or traveling the world, or maybe you’re both set on the wedding of the century!

– What are the 3 must haves for your wedding? Is it having everyone there or an open bar? Is it a summer soiree in the Northeast or a winter getaway in Mexico? Maybe it’s that your dog MUST walk down the aisle or you get the dress of your dreams.

– What are 3 things you’re willing to sacrifice for your wedding? Is it a grand location in order to accommodate a large guest list? Is it forgoing wine service at dinner so you can have a wedding planner? Or maybe it’s saying no to an island destination in order for your entire family to witness your I Do’s?

– Discuss a foundational budget. It doesn’t have to be set in stone, but talk about what is reasonable for you at this point in your life. AND DON’T worry about what others will think!

Whatever your answers, LISTEN to each other fully without interrupting and have an open mind to considering options you never thought of before. Because after all, this is a joint decision!

3. Decide Who Will Help You With Your Next Steps

Ok, let’s just get this out of the way. We don’t bring this up because we’re biased…well, ok we are biased. But only because we have been planning for so many years and know how it goes most of the time!

One of the most important things you can do when you first start planning (according to us, of course), is to determine whether a wedding planner may be a good fit for you. You may think of it as an indulgence or believe that you can do all of it on your own. We understand! It certainly may be for you, and you may be able to do it just perfectly on your own.

However, we do this day in and day out. It’s our lives. We

– know where to look and who to contact to save you time and let you get your weekends back

– we know who may be best priced for what you want and how to negotiate to save you money

– and we have ideas on different materials and ways to pull off things you never could have imagined having at your wedding.

If any of these interest you, it’s time to talk to us! A complimentary consultation can be just the thing to ease your mind and keep your excitement, knowing that someone will be there every step of the way with priceless advice, a solid plan, and someone on your side the entire time. Don’t rely on your friends to be your wedding planners, invite them to join our consultations instead!

If you’ve just gotten engaged, enjoy every minute of this time in your life. It’s truly magical. And when you’re ready, start with conversing with each other first and then a professional who can guide you on what’s best for your next steps.

And, we can help with just that. Contact me at to schedule your complimentary consultation now.

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